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Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Day 3 - Resolved Conference

Here are the notes from day 3 at Resolved. The teaching was awesome and spiritually refreshing! I love when pastors proclaim the Word of God so bold. Today we had a monster line up of preachers with Steve Lawson, John MacArthur, and John Piper. My favorite has been pastor Steve Lawson. He as poured out the most exposition and insight into the beatitudes.

Steve Lawson

Blessed Purity - Matthew 5:8

The first 4 beatitudes are the distinguishing factors to become a citizen into the kingdom of heaven. There is a progressive attitude of repentance that leads to salvation.
1. Poor In Spirit - A deep brokenness over the wretchedness sin before a Holy God.
2. Mourning - A sympathy over sinfulness.
3. Meek - To be humble and acknowledge the greatness to the exalted Lord Jesus Christ. (This term in the Greek speaks of a wild horse that as been tamed and is now submitting to the horse rider to guide and direct.
4. Hunger and Thirst - A new desiring cry to be filled and satisfied with God's goodness, truth, righteousness, and holiness.

The last 4 beatitudes are the evidence for those who belong to the kingdom of heaven. Here the sanctification of the citizen in heaven (a christian) is progressively described through these attributes. These are the fruitful evidences in the life of the true citizen of the kingdom of heaven.
5. Merciful - Showing compassion.
6. Pure in heart - Having a cleaned heart filled with righteousness and the fruit of the Spirit by the supernatural regeneration of the Holy Spirit.
7. Peacemakers - Showing peace to all people as one who is slow to wrath and anger.
8. Persecuted - If you live for Christ, you will be persecuted for Christ's righteousness and His holy name.

However, there is one that is very important to tackle. It is the one thing that is in control of our flesh and desires. It is our heart. Our heart needs to be right. Our faith needs to be right. Therefore, we acknowledge that our faith is not holy religion of works, it a heart religion of grace. Jesus tells us in the beatitudes, as He proclaims the requirements of His citizens that will be allowed in His kingdom, the most important thing in your life to govern is your heart! Is your heart governed? If so, by who? The Word of God or the world?

"Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God." Matthew 5:8

There are five directives we need to note about this verse:
A. Priority of the Heart - It encompasses everything in our entire being. Our hearts are the root of the tree which flows all life for spiritual fruit. It all starts with the heart. Love God will all your HEART! (Proverbs 17:3, Deuteronomy 6:5, Matthew 22:37)

B. Purity of the Heart - Our hearts needs to be pure and holy with a love for God, His Word, His Kingdom, His glory, and His Gospel!

C. Problem of the Heart - It is the issue of all matters in life. Our heart is wicked. It has a sinful nature. It is the dividing tool that makes our flesh actively war against the Spirit. (Jeremiah 17:7, Matthew 23:27, Ecclesiastes 7:20, 29)

D. Purifying the Heart - The process of progressive sanctification as the believer grows in holiness and is conforming to more Christ-likeness. Here are five steps to purity of the heart.

5 Steps to Purify Your Heart
1. Wash in the Word (Psalm 119:11, John 17:17, Ephesians 5:26)
2. Bathe in the Blood (2 Corinthians 7:1, 1 John 1:9
3. Submit to the Spirit (Romans 1:4-7)
4. Pray for Purity (Job 14:4, Psalm 51:10)
5. Run with the Righteous (Proverbs 13:20, 1 Corinthians 15:33)

E. Privilege of Purity of Heart - If you have a pure heart, you will see God in everything and everywhere. Here are five places you will see God with a pure heart.

Five Privileges To See God
1. God In Creation (Psalm 19, Romans 1:20)
2. God in Providence (God's invisible hand of provision)
3. God in Scripture (2 Timothy 3:16, John 5:39, Luke 24:27)
4. God in Christ (John 10:30, 14:9-10)
5. God in Heaven (Revelation 22:4)

Jesus promises a blessedness of seeing Him in and around our lives if we are pure in heart.

John MacArthur - Creation Theology

John Piper - Spectacular Sins, Part 1

Watch the recap video of day 3:

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