My first semester at Cbu was wonderful. I learned so much about Christian Education and Ecclesiology, and a ton of information and application in my Jesus and the Gospels class. I thank God for my teachers who were fun, loving, and pouring out so much into the class the wealth of knowledge and experience they have. This semester I am taking History of Christianity and Paul and the Early Church. It is already exciting for last night we had our first class and we went over SO much stuff about the Apostle Paul that I have never heard before. My friend David and I are having a great time in class growing and being prepared for ministry down the road in our lives. I cannot wait to get through these books that we are reading because they are filled with amazing amounts of information concerning the word of God!
We will have also have to read Acts-Titus (which are the Pauline epistles). That is so wonderful because each class I take with my professor he makes us get in the word of God for homework. It basically forces you to get in the word. I love that! Even though I want to read, I have an obligation now to read because I am going to be tested on it! I feel that is how Christians should read their Bibles every day. It is as if the world is going to test them everyday to see if they really believe and know their Bible they trust in. Studying this way has made memorizing verses easier and more applicable.
It all comes down to this, "Study to show yourself approved unto God, a worksman who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." 2 Timothy 2:15
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