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Thursday, November 27, 2008

Getting My Grub On

Today was a moderate day at work as i drafted away on the current project I am working on. I am working on a water park that is going to be built in Bakersfield, CA sometime next year. Anyways, after work today, my family, my beautiful girlfriend Melissa, and my brother's girlfriend Michelle had our Thanksgiving meal together. We had to have Thanksgiving tonight because my dad is going to work tomorrow and I will be with Melissa's family, same with my brother.

When I walked inside my house from the garage, all i could smell was the tasty Turkey that has been slowly roasting all day for me to fully digest. It was so good, and my dad's traditional stuffing was very delicious. However, i am a sweet potato kind of guy. I like them baked, and then smothered with butter and some marshmallow cream. So i had whole sweet potato, some good old fashion cranberry sauce, my grandma's secret lime Jello (it sounds gross but its bomb, trust!) and some corn overflow my plate limit. Wow, it was a great meal, and i definitely got my grub on. Then for the finisher, pumpkin pie. It was a lovely together, enjoying some laughs and talking about some fun things. Then after we ate, we watched Pastor Jeff's webcast of the Thanksgiving eve service at Harvest.

Tomorrow I will be at it again, but this time with Melissa's family! It will be a good time with great food. Have a great Thanksgiving everyone.

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