Text: Colossians 1:12-14

Christology - The study of the nature and works of Christ
We will only look at these 3 verses that are powerfully exalting 5 great works of Jesus Christ. Why do we need to know these things? Because these are the things the Lord did for us! We need to know the sovereign, satisfactory, and superior work of Christ through his death and resurrection. Paul was affirming the satisfactory work of Jesus Christ by reminding the Colossians that Jesus has qualified them to go to the heaven (v.12), delivered them from the power of darkness and conveyed them into the kingdom of the Son of His love (v.13), and lastly He has redeemed and forgiven them of their sins through the blood of Jesus Christ that was shed for you and me at the cross (v.14).
1. Qualified Us. (1:12)
Jesus has qualified us to become partakers of the heaven where an inheritance awaits. Only through Christ's righteousness that has been imputed to us can we be qualified to be partakers of heaven because the qualification is perfection! Only Christ's righteousness is perfect.
2. Delivered Us. (1:13a)
Jesus has delivered us from the power of darkness. He has disarmed all powers, principalities, dominions, and all spiritual forces of wickedness. He has delivered us from the bondage and slavery of sinfulness. He has delivered us from Satan and his demons.
3. Conveyed Us. (1: 13b)
Jesus has conveyed us (better known as translated) into the kingdom of His Son. We have been given to the Son as a gift from the Father and now rest in His love and one day be in His kingdom. We are now apart of the family of God.
4. Redeemed Us. (v. 1:14a)
Jesus has redeemed us from being lost and now are found. He bought us, saved us, rescued us from being lost and depraved, and paid the penalty of sin and its consequences through the cross.
5. Forgiven Us. (v. 1:14b)
Jesus has forgiven all of our sins through the shedding of His blood on the cross. It was through the shedding of blood, we have the remission of sins and atonement. Our sins that once were as red as scarlet are now made white as snow. We are cleansed and washed through the wonderful work of Jesus Christ.
Remember the Lord Jesus Christ today and all that He has done for you!!!

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